Lexical: Describing People: Hair
For the question 1-10 chose the correct answer.
This is a style of hair that is extremely short.
- dark
- cropped
- long
The word to describe light-coloured hair.
- dark
- cropped
- blonde
Somebody who has no hair at all is this.
- bald
- wavy
- thick
The opposite of straight hair.
- ponytail
- bald
- curly
This kind of hair is in between straight and curly.
- curly
- wavy
- long
The opposite of blonde hair.
- long
- dark
- wavy
The opposite of short hair.
- cropper
- thick
- long
Hair worn tied up at the back is called this.
- bald
- curly
- ponytail
The front part of the hair combed forward over the forehead.
- bald
- fringe
- cropped
The opposite of thin hair.
- blonde
- fringe
- thick