Lexical: Shopping Vocabulary: Using Money
For the question 1-8 chose the correct answer.
Could I borrow your pen to sign this ___ please?
- cheque
- card
- change
I don't like using my credit ___ to shop online.
- cash
- deposit
- card
This shirt is too small. I think I'll take it back and get a ___ .
- cash
- refund
- pay
You will have to leave a ___ if you want us to order the goods.
- deposit
- cheque
- card
You haven't given me the correct ___ . I gave you £1 and you've only given me 10p back.
- pay
- cash
- change
Do you have any ___ ? I haven't brought any money out with me.
- cash
- cost
- pay
How much did you ___ for those trousers?
- change
- cost
- pay
I'd never buy a new car as they ___ so much.
- pay
- cost
- refund