Read the sentences below. For questions (1-13) choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
It takes me such a long time every morning to get up and ______ . I've got an important job interview this morning, however, so I need to hurry up.
- get dressed
- wear
- put on
Perhaps I should ______ my purple tie.
- get dressed
- try on
- put on
And maybe I'll ______ my new green trousers.
- get dressed
- wear
- try on
Oh no! They don't _____ me. They're too short!
- suit
- fit
- measure
It's my own fault. I didn't ______ before I bought them.
- try them on
- wear them out
- fit them up
And I really should have ______ them.
- creased
- crumpled
- ironed
Now, which jacket shall I wear? Perhaps the blue one - it really ______ me.
- matches
- suits
- equals
As for shoes, I can't wear those black shoes - they don't ______ my orange shirt. I'll wear my red trainers instead.
- match
- fit
- measure
This waistcoat is too small for me now. I've ______ it. I know - I'll wear my pink cardigan instead.
- grown out of
- grown into
- grown over
Unfortunately I haven't got any socks: I wore them all _____ .
- out
- off
- on
Oh no, I can't _____ the zip on my trousers. - Oh well, nobody will notice.
- do in
- do over
- do up
OK, finished. Now let's take a look at myself in the mirror. Oh dear, I'm certainly no _____ .
- grandmodel
- supermodel
- greatmodel
Oh well, it's too late to ______ now.
- alter
- change
- exchange