Albert Einstein was ... famous scientist
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Einstein was born in ... Germany in 1879
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Mandela was ... first President elected in ... South Africa after ... Apartheid was revoked
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- a,-, the
- the,the,the
Mother Tersa received ... her Nobel Peace Price in 1979
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This is ... manager you told me about
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This company has its offices on both sides of ... Atlantic Ocean
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The official name of England is... United Kingdom of ... Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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- the,the
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She was only 19 when she sailed across ... Atlantic
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They told him he had won a trip to Hawaii, including ... free accomodation
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... British are famous fore an amount of fast food the eat
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He's climbed ... Everest and ... Alps
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- the, the
They've bought ... Picasso
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... Mrs. Jones called you this morning (a person that we don't know)
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... young are usually impatient
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... river Thames flows into the English Channel
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Washington is the capital of ... United States of America
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The First of America is ... oldest bank in the country
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- one
- any
August is ... hottest month of the year in Ukraine
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The flight to ... America lasts about 12 hours
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Queen Elizabeth ... First made England one of the most powerful states in Europe
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