rotary |
adj. turning around its axis, like a wheel, or so constructed as to turn thus |
v. to pitch tents for a resting-place |
n. the part of a nation's territory that abuts upon another country |
n. a physical, mental, or moral weakness or flaw |
transmute |
v. to change in nature, substance, or form |
n. one who has two spouses at the same time |
n. a principle accepted as true and acted on as a rule or guide |
adj. without experience of the world |
assimilate |
n. the quality or character of being godlike |
v. to turn aside from the main subject and for a time dwell on some incidental matter |
n. impending evil or danger |
v. to adapt |
incompressible |
adj. resisting all attempts to reduce volume by pressure |
adj. perceiving or feeling beforehand |
n. any act of saving property |
adj. thin and weak |
dignitary |
n. one who holds high rank |
adj. eating or living on flesh |
adj. resonant |
adj. a place for cremating dead bodies |
rondo |
n. a musical composition during which the first part or subject is repeated several times |
n. low drollery, coarse jokes, etc |
v. to bring about |
adj. of no avail or effect |
indefinitely |
n. anything that indicates what is to happen |
n. the substance that forms the principal portion of an animal or vegetable cell |
adj. using the left hand or arm more dexterously than the right |
adv. in a vague or uncertain way |
datum |
n. hatred of marriage |
n. the pressure of necessity |
adj. pertaining to education or schools |
n. a premise, starting-point, or given fact |
reproduction |
adj. living both on land and in water |
v. to ask information about |
n. a general name for all kinds of weapons and their appliances used in war |
n. the process by which an animal or plant gives rise to another of its kind |
riddance |
adj. dangerous and close at hand |
n. a substance possessing or reputed to possess curative or remedial properties |
n. the act or ridding or delivering from something undesirable |
n. one's line of ancestors |
retrench |
n. the state of being white or glowing with heat |
adj. easily under a specified power or influence |
v. to cut down or reduce in extent or quantity |
n. an embankment beside a river or stream or an arm of the sea, to prevent overflow |
buoyancy |
v. to extend in time or duration |
n. power or tendency to float on or in a liquid or gas |
n. a mechanical, chemical, or pathological agent of inflammation, pain, or tension |
v. to issue or be party to the issue of a policy of insurance |
speculator |
n. any physical disease or disorder, especially a chronic or deep-seated one |
n. hard and constant work in any menial or dull occupation |
n. one who makes an investment that involves a risk of loss, but also a chance of profit |
n. a square shaft with pyramidal top, usually monumental or commemorative |
choleric |
adj. opening in flower |
adj. easily provoked to anger |
n. prolongation |
n. confinement |
indiscernible |
adj. clinging or sticking fast |
n. a collective unanimous opinion of a number of persons |
adj. not perceptible |
adj. of degraded character or nature |
pendant |
n. anything that hangs from something else, either for ornament or for use |
n. that upon which the mind is set |
adj. possessing distinguished merit |
adj. pliable |
versatile |
adj. having an aptitude for applying oneself to new and varied tasks or to various subjects |
n. the time of year when the sun is at its greatest declination |
adj. auxiliary |
v. to delight extravagantly or intensely |
reassure |
n. forcible constraint or restraint, moral or physical |
adj. humble |
adj. fit to be compared |
v. to give new confidence |
confidant |
n. one to whom secrets are entrusted |
adj. deceiving or tending to deceive, as by false appearance |
n. the constitutional right in a chief executive of refusing to approve an enactment |
adj. tranquil |
ostentation |
n. a display dictated by vanity and intended to invite applause or flattery |
n. dependence |
adj. consisting of a number of persons or objects considered as gathered into a mass, or sum |
n. a goddess; divinity of chastisement and vengeance |
retort |
adj. of or pertaining to heat |
v. to treat ill, unkindly, roughly, or abusively |
v. to keep oneself back (from doing or using something) |
n. a retaliatory speech |
intercession |
n. entreaty in behalf of others |
v. to pour forth |
n. a feeling of extreme repugnance, or of dislike and disgust |
n. an obstacle |
facile |
adj. not difficult to do |
adj. speechless |
adj. valueless |
n. one who receives a nomination |
accredit |
adj. ghastly and sensational |
adj. obese |
v. to give credit or authority to |
v. to strip, specifically of clothes, ornaments, or accouterments or disinvestment |
pacify |
n. an inheritance from an ancestor, especially from one's father |
v. to bring into a peaceful state |
n. an officer, as of an insurance company, who calculates and states the risks and premiums |
n. interpretation |
maleficent |
adj. mischievous |
adj. naked |
v. to act upon |
n. a cup-shaped vessel with a long handle, intended for dipping up and pouring liquids |
ductile |
v. to collect into a mass |
v. to make warm by genial heat |
adj. beneficial |
adj. capable of being drawn out, as into wire or a thread |
entwine |
n. one of the wandering knights who in the middle ages went forth in search of adventure |
v. to interweave |
n. a riddle |
n. a concretion formed in various parts of the body resembling a pebble in hardness |
acquiesce |
adj. of undisputed origin |
n. one who is descended lineally from another, as a child, grandchild, etc |
n. sourness, with bitterness and astringency |
v. to comply; submit |
dogma |
adj. having reached a high degree of worldly prosperity |
n. repetition of words or sounds as a means of learning them, with slight attention |
n. one having a taste for or interest in special objects |
n. a statement of religious faith or duty formulated by a body claiming authority |
hillock |
n. a small hill or mound |
v. to filter |
n. a musical composition |
n. the language of one's country |
permanence |
n. intuitive sagacity or perception |
n. a print made by printing from stone |
n. a continuance in the same state, or without any change that destroys the essential form or nature |
adj. of prodigious size, bulk, or degree |
knighthood |
n. an artificial trance-sleep |
adj. helpful |
n. chivalry |
n. the utmost point, side, or border, or that farthest removed from a mean position |
unnecessary |
adj. insufficiently exposed for proper or full development, as negatives in photography |
n. double-dealing |
adj. not essential under the circumstances |
n. chemistry of the middle ages, characterized by the pursuit of changing base metals to gold |
furtive |
v. to talk about vainly or foolishly |
v. to designate as a candidate for any office |
adj. stealthy or sly, like the actions of a thief |
adj. hurtful, morally or physically |
transmit |
v. to keep sacred |
v. to be full to overflowing |
adj. having or showing devotion to the acquisition of knowledge |
v. to send trough or across |
Achillean |
adj. invulnerable |
v. to give unusual pleasure |
n. thesis |
adj. juicy |
diagnosis |
n. a place where things are stored or gathered together |
n. determination of the distinctive nature of a disease |
adj. laying down |
adj. directed toward knowledge for its own sake without respect to applications |
ascent |
n. a rising, soaring, or climbing |
n. inability or unwillingness to bear or endure |
adj. still existing and known |
n. one who asks humbly and earnestly |
inverse |
n. a spacious cage or enclosure in which live birds are kept |
n. a component or essential part |
adj. contrary in tendency or direction |
n. a raging epidemic |